Wednesday 26 February 2014

Shrek and Fiona

photo courtesy - Manmath Matondkar

Don't cry my dad, for your single tear is as deep as ocean of love,
Don't cry my mom, for your care is as pure as a dove.
Don't cry my brothers, as your company is all I ever require,
Don't cry my sisters, as your memories are all that I can aquire. 
Today I am not going to a new house, as it was destined to be my own home,
I will also receive the same love,
 from his mom and dad under the soothing dome.
I thank the heaven, its keeper and its lord,

For giving me a family which is like god.
Today i promise nothing will change at all
As to love, care, accompany and cherrish everything, my soulmate will stand tall.
My loved ones, you have not just given a daughter with charisma and corona,
How can i explain you, you gifted shrek his fiona...

                                                                   -'panchi'Panchal Hitesh D.

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